Late May


TC Model Contest Winners Announced!

Paper Model TCNine members entered paper MG TCs in our virtual car show at the March online meeting.  The paper models supplied by Moss Motors were painstakingly assembled with creative and impressive results.  Congratulations to all participants for jobs well done!

Winners have been announced in multiple categories.  Pictured here is Rob Zucca’s diorama awarded best in show.

Click here for a full list of winners and photo gallery of all entries.

Most Creative: Rob Zucca, TC crashed into tree.
Most Ambitious: Steve & Linda Simmons, massive 2-foot Long TC.
Best Finish: Deb & Mark Acosta, impressively shiny red paint.
Most Functional: Richard & Sandra Loe, racer with real axles.
Realism Award: David & Joyce Edgar, clear plastic windscreen and fully round wheels
Early Bird: Cliff Lemieux, 3-weeks spent building
Most Effort: Pete & Fran Thelander, each built separate models.
Paparazzi Award: Kregg Hunsberger, photographed model with matching real TC
Hard Luck: Dottie Smith, didn’t finish in time.

TC Motoring Guild Rides Again!

On Saturday, March 20, TC Motoring Guild held its first group event since the pandemic halted in-person activities one year prior.  15 members and guests with six TCs participated in the event, which was originally scheduled to visit the California Poppy Reserves.  Due to high winds, bitter cold and no poppies, a change was made the day before the event and the group instead headed west from our meeting point in Castaic.  Driving along scenic roads, our new destination was Heritage Valley where we viewed captive flowers instead of wild ones at a nursery with an astounding array of rose varieties.  A socially distanced picnic lunch topped off the day at a nearby park, in perfect weather. 

Continuing with our Covid-safe activities, April saw an even larger turnout with 28 members and eight TCs taking a historic home tour through the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, followed by a “picnic beneath the oaks” at Gene Olson’s residence.  May’s event took the group into the San Gabriel Mountains for a picnic lunch and driving tour.  It’s good to be back in the saddle!




Our general meeting on May 25 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact David Edgar.

Our program for the evening will be a slide show by members Joyce and David Edgar with accompanying information on GoF West, an annual all-M.G. event the club has participated in several times.  The talk will include the history of GoF and what kind of activities are held during the 5-day event.  GoF West has been made a TCMG event this year so if you plan to participate then you will want to attend this meeting.  Shown also will be some bonus photos from 2020 events that have not been seen before.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in a TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

April recap: 28 Members attended our April meeting.  3 TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Lemieux, Loe and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



A visit to the Autry Museum is planned for Saturday June 5th. No guided tours are being scheduled at this time, therefore we will each explore at our own pace. Meet at the museum at 9:45 AM. At about 11:30 we will regroup in the parking lot to tour to the Tam ‘O Shanter for lunch. Reservations have been made for the maximum amount of 24 inside the restaurant (4 tables of 6), therefore this is an RSVP event, first come first served.  Please RSVP to Richard Loe if you plan to attend.

Autry entry fee is $14 for adults (AAA members $12.50) and $10 for students & seniors. Masks are required. The cafe remains closed.

May Recap: 10 members took part in our May driving tour and picnic. 4 TCs participated in the event, driven by Lemieux, Loe, Simmons and Zucca.  An early MGB was driven by Larson.  A 5th TC driven by the Edgars nearly made the event but suffered a mechanical issue en route.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The June Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



May 13: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

May 11: Added new page for Richard & Judy Fritz.

April 27: Added new page for Daniel Harrison.

April 22: Added new page for Doug & Laura Schirripa.

April 21: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

March 8: Added new page for Joel Taylor.

February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late May

Early May


TC Model Contest Winners Announced!

Paper Model TCNine members entered paper MG TCs in our virtual car show at the March online meeting.  The paper models supplied by Moss Motors were painstakingly assembled with creative and impressive results.  Congratulations to all participants for jobs well done!

Winners have been announced in multiple categories.  Pictured here is Rob Zucca’s diorama awarded best in show.

Click here for a full list of winners and photo gallery of all entries.

Most Creative: Rob Zucca, TC crashed into tree.
Most Ambitious: Steve & Linda Simmons, massive 2-foot Long TC.
Best Finish: Deb & Mark Acosta, impressively shiny red paint.
Most Functional: Richard & Sandra Loe, racer with real axles.
Realism Award: David & Joyce Edgar, clear plastic windscreen and fully round wheels
Early Bird: Cliff Lemieux, 3-weeks spent building
Most Effort: Pete & Fran Thelander, each built separate models.
Paparazzi Award: Kregg Hunsberger, photographed model with matching real TC
Hard Luck: Dottie Smith, didn’t finish in time.

TC Motoring Guild Rides Again!

On Saturday, March 20, TC Motoring Guild held its first group event since the pandemic halted in-person activities one year prior.  15 members and guests with six TCs participated in the event, which was originally scheduled to visit the California Poppy Reserves.  Due to high winds, bitter cold and no poppies, a change was made the day before the event and the group instead headed west from our meeting point in Castaic.  Driving along scenic roads, our new destination was Heritage Valley where we viewed captive flowers instead of wild ones at a nursery with an astounding array of rose varieties.  A socially distanced picnic lunch topped off the day at a nearby park, in perfect weather. 

Continuing with our Covid-safe activities, April saw an even larger turnout with 28 members and eight TCs taking a historic home tour through the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, followed by a “picnic beneath the oaks” at Gene Olson’s residence.  It’s good to be back in the saddle!




Our general meeting on May 25 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact David Edgar.

Our program for the evening will be a slide show by members Joyce and David Edgar with accompanying information on GoF West, an annual all-M.G. event the club has participated in several times.  The talk will include the history of GoF and what kind of activities are held during the 5-day event.  GoF West has been made a TCMG event this year so if you plan to participate then you will want to attend this meeting.  Shown also will be some bonus photos from 2020 events that have not been seen before.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in a TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

April recap: 28 Members attended our April meeting.  3 TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Lemieux, Loe and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.




Our next driving event will beheld on May 15.  It will be a scenic drive along Angeles Crest and Angeles Forest Highways, with a picnic lunch at Monte Cristo Campground.

We will gather at the parking area adjacent to the La Canada Flintridge City Hall/Olberz Park (intersection of Civic Center Drive & Town Center Drive) at 9:45 AM. After a little tire kicking we will drive Angeles Crest Highway to Angeles Forest Highway and stop for a picnic at the Monte Cristo Campground. Please bring your picnic, a folding chair, and face mask. Driving your MG or a modern, everyone is welcome.  Contact Richard Loe for further details.

April Recap: 21 members took part in our April driving tour and picnic. 8 TCs participated, driven by Appell, Lemieux, Loe, Ockwell, Olson, Simmons, Spiegel and Thelander.  Other classics were driven by Zucca (MGA) and Shapiro (Rolls). Special thanks to Gene Olson and Patty Salehpour for hosting a “picnic under the oaks” at their lovely home.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The May Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



May 13: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

May 11: Added new page for Richard & Judy Fritz.

April 27: Added new page for Daniel Harrison.

April 22: Added new page for Doug & Laura Schirripa.

April 21: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

March 8: Added new page for Joel Taylor.

February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early May

Late April


TC Model Contest Winners Announced!

Paper Model TCNine members entered paper MG TCs in our virtual car show at the March online meeting.  The paper models supplied by Moss Motors were painstakingly assembled with creative and impressive results.  Congratulations to all participants for jobs well done!

Winners have been announced in multiple categories.  Pictured here is Rob Zucca’s diorama awarded best in show.

Click here for a full list of winners and photo gallery of all entries.

Most Creative: Rob Zucca, TC crashed into tree.
Most Ambitious: Steve & Linda Simmons, massive 2-foot Long TC.
Best Finish: Deb & Mark Acosta, impressively shiny red paint.
Most Functional: Richard & Sandra Loe, racer with real axles.
Realism Award: David & Joyce Edgar, clear plastic windscreen and fully round wheels
Early Bird: Cliff Lemieux, 3-weeks spent building
Most Effort: Pete & Fran Thelander, each built separate models.
Paparazzi Award: Kregg Hunsberger, photographed model with matching real TC
Hard Luck: Dottie Smith, didn’t finish in time.

TC Motoring Guild Rides Again!

On Saturday, March 20, TC Motoring Guild held its first group event since the pandemic halted in-person activities one year prior.  15 members and guests with six TCs participated in the event, which was originally scheduled to visit the California Poppy Reserves.  Due to high winds, bitter cold and no poppies, a change was made the day before the event and the group instead headed west from our meeting point in Castaic.  Driving along scenic roads, our new destination was Heritage Valley where we viewed captive flowers instead of wild ones at a nursery with an astounding array of rose varieties.  A socially distanced picnic lunch topped off the day at a nearby park, in perfect weather.  It’s good to be back in the saddle!




Our general meeting on April 27 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

Our program for the evening will be a video presentation supplied by TCMG member Pete Thelander showing the “Bi-Centennial Rally” of 1976.  This was a competitive rally to the various colonial capitals, with the rally winner receiving a brand new MGB.  Pete and Fran along with Al Moss competed that year.  Hear about Pete’s cross-country trip in an MGA Coupe to get there, and what it was like to compete alongside the great Sir Moss.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in a TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

March recap: 27 Members attended our March meeting.  6 TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Simmons, Lemieux, Hunsberger, Loe and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



THIS IS AN RSVP EVENT!  Our next event, “Picnic Under The Oaks”, will take place on April 25.  It will be hosted by TCMG member Gene Olson at his home in Bradbury, where we will enjoy an outdoor socially distancing picnic under the oaks. Relax in the shade of 35 oak trees and enjoy the views of the San Gabriel Valley. There is a hiking trail adjacent. Bring your lunch, the host will provide coffee, tea, and dessert.

The picnic will run from 1-4 PM. Pre picnic driving tour is 11:15 AM – 1:00 PM starting in Glendale. Call or email Richard Loe to RSVP and get the tour starting location.

NOTE: The car show event originally scheduled for April has been canceled due to Covid concerns.

March Recap: 15 members took part in our March tour to Heritage Valley, after a last minute change from the poppy reserves due to high winds, cold and no flowers in the desert.  Six TCs participated, driven by Loe, Lemieux, Ockwell, Simmons, Zucca and Hunsberger.  Thanks to the Loes for organizing our first in-person event since the pandemic hit one year ago!

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The May Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



April 22: Added new page for Doug & Laura Schirripa.

April 21: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

March 8: Added new page for Joel Taylor.

February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late April

Early April


TC Model Contest Winners Announced!

Paper Model TCNine members entered paper MG TCs in our virtual car show at the March online meeting.  The paper models supplied by Moss Motors were painstakingly assembled with creative and impressive results.  Congratulations to all participants for jobs well done!

Winners have been announced in multiple categories.  Pictured here is Rob Zucca’s diorama awarded best in show.

Click here for a full list of winners and photo gallery of all entries.

Most Creative: Rob Zucca, TC crashed into tree.
Most Ambitious: Steve & Linda Simmons, massive 2-foot Long TC.
Best Finish: Deb & Mark Acosta, impressively shiny red paint.
Most Functional: Richard & Sandra Loe, racer with real axles.
Realism Award: David & Joyce Edgar, clear plastic windscreen and fully round wheels
Early Bird: Cliff Lemieux, 3-weeks spent building
Most Effort: Pete & Fran Thelander, each built separate models.
Paparazzi Award: Kregg Hunsberger, photographed model with matching real TC
Hard Luck: Dottie Smith, didn’t finish in time.

TC Motoring Guild Rides Again!

On Saturday, March 20, TC Motoring Guild held its first group event since the pandemic halted in-person activities one year prior.  15 members and guests with six TCs participated in the event, which was originally scheduled to visit the California Poppy Reserves.  Due to high winds, bitter cold and no poppies, a change was made the day before the event and the group instead headed west from our meeting point in Castaic.  Driving along scenic roads, our new destination was Heritage Valley where we viewed captive flowers instead of wild ones at a nursery with an astounding array of rose varieties.  A socially distanced picnic lunch topped off the day at a nearby park, in perfect weather.  It’s good to be back in the saddle!




Our general meeting on April 27 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

Our program for the evening will be a video presentation supplied by TCMG member Pete Thelander showing the “Bi-Centennial Rally” of 1976.  This was a competitive rally to the various colonial capitals, with the rally winner receiving a brand new MGB.  Pete and Fran along with Al Moss competed that year.  Hear about Pete’s cross-country trip in an MGA Coupe to get there, and what it was like to compete alongside the great Sir Moss.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in a TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

March recap: 27 Members attended our March meeting.  6 TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Simmons, Lemieux, Hunsberger, Loe and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



THIS IS AN RSVP EVENT!  Our next event, “Picnic Under The Oaks”, will take place on April 25.  It will be hosted by TCMG member Gene Olson at his home in Bradbury, where we will enjoy an outdoor socially distancing picnic under the oaks. Relax in the shade of 35 oak trees and enjoy the views of the San Gabriel Valley. There is a hiking trail adjacent. Bring your lunch, the host will provide coffee, tea, and dessert.

The picnic will run from 1-4 PM. Pre picnic driving tour is 11:15 AM – 1:00 PM starting in Glendale. Call or email Richard Loe to RSVP and get the tour starting location.

NOTE: The car show event originally scheduled for April has been canceled due to Covid concerns.

March Recap: 15 members took part in our March tour to Heritage Valley, after a last minute change from the poppy reserves due to high winds, cold and no flowers in the desert.  Six TCs participated, driven by Loe, Lemieux, Ockwell, Simmons, Zucca and Hunsberger.  Thanks to the Loes for organizing our first in-person event since the pandemic hit one year ago!

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The March Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



March 8: Added new page for Joel Taylor.

February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early April

Late March


TC Motoring Guild Rides Again!

On Saturday, March 20, TC Motoring Guild held its first group event since the pandemic halted in-person activities one year prior.  15 members and guests with six TCs participated in the event, which was originally scheduled to visit the California Poppy Reserves.  Due to high winds, bitter cold and no poppies, a change was made the day before the event and the group instead headed west from our meeting point in Castaic.  Driving along scenic roads, our new destination was Heritage Valley where we viewed captive flowers instead of wild ones at a nursery with an astounding array of rose varieties.  A socially distanced picnic lunch topped off the day at a nearby park, in perfect weather.  It’s good to be back in the saddle!

TCMG Mourns The Loss Of Toni Appell

Mel & Toni AppellWith a deep sense of loss, we are saddened to report the passing of Toni Appell, a long time member and caring friend to all who were fortunate enough to meet her.  Mel and Toni spent many years touring in their TC and frequenting club meetings, always with a smile and a good story to tell.  They joined TCMG in 1990 and soon became stalwarts of the club.  Her positive and caring personality was infectious, and she will be dearly missed.

Services will be held on Sunday, February 7.  Due to Covid restrictions, the service will be broadcast on Zoom for general attendance.  See the group email list for details.



Our general meeting on March 23 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a model TC contest.  Make one of the Moss Motors paper models and have it ready to display at the meeting, or send Joyce photos of it at least two days prior to the meeting.  The model is available for download (print it at home) by clicking here. (Link NLA)

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

February recap: 29 Members attended our February meeting.  Six TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Hunsberger, Jones, Lemieux, Loe, Simmons and Zucca

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our next event will take place on April 25.  Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy one of the better British car shows in the area. It is a non-judged show and includes an auto jumble. The show is held at Woodley Park in Van Nuys and runs from 9 AM to 4 PM. Club members are encouraged to gather in the MG-T series section at 11 AM for a picnic among the TCs. Bring your own lunch or you may be able to buy food from food truck vendors on site. See for more information.

March Recap: 15 members took part in our March tour to Heritage Valley, after a last minute change from the poppy reserves due to high winds, cold and no flowers in the desert.  Six TCs participated, driven by Loe, Lemieux, Ockwell, Simmons, Zucca and Hunsberger.  Thanks to the Loes for organizing our first in-person event since the pandemic hit one year ago!

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The March Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



March 8: Added new page for Joel Taylor.

February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late March

Early March


TCMG Mourns The Loss Of Toni Appell

Mel & Toni AppellWith a deep sense of loss, we are saddened to report the passing of Toni Appell, a long time member and caring friend to all who were fortunate enough to meet her.  Mel and Toni spent many years touring in their TC and frequenting club meetings, always with a smile and a good story to tell.  They joined TCMG in 1990 and soon became stalwarts of the club.  Her positive and caring personality was infectious, and she will be dearly missed.

Services will be held on Sunday, February 7.  Due to Covid restrictions, the service will be broadcast on Zoom for general attendance.  See the group email list for details.

First TCMG Online Tech Session Held

A tech session on carburetor issues was held in January on the Zoom application, and is available for viewing by TCMG members.  Check the group email list for instructions on how to view, or contact Steve Simmons.


Our general meeting on March 23 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a model TC contest.  Make one of the Moss Motors paper models and have it ready to display at the meeting, or send Joyce photos of it at least two days prior to the meeting.  The model is available for download (print it at home) by clicking here. (Link NLA)

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

February recap: 29 Members attended our February meeting.  Six TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Hunsberger, Jones, Lemieux, Loe, Simmons and Zucca

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The wildflower tour returns for 2021!  On Saturday, March 20 our adventure will take us on a scenic tour to the California Poppy Reserves in Lancaster.  The blooms look to be sparse this year, but we will still enjoy the driving tour and a picnic lunch at a nearby nature park.

Gather at 9:30 AM at the Castaic McDonald’s at the Lake Hughes off ramp from the 5 Freeway. Our destination will be the Arthur B. Ripley Woodland State Park where we will have a picnic lunch. Participants should bring their lunch and portable chairs to facilitate social distancing during lunch.

February Recap: 16 members took part in our Lame Duk Kup event, which was held online due to Covid concerns.  Five TCs made a simulated journey of at least 10 miles, and were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Thelander.  Congratulations to John Bowyer for winning the Lame Duk Contest!

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The March Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



March 8: Added new page for Joel Taylor.

February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early March

Late February


TCMG Mourns The Loss Of Toni Appell

Mel & Toni AppellWith a deep sense of loss, we are saddened to report the passing of Toni Appell, a long time member and caring friend to all who were fortunate enough to meet her.  Mel and Toni spent many years touring in their TC and frequenting club meetings, always with a smile and a good story to tell.  They joined TCMG in 1990 and soon became stalwarts of the club.  Her positive and caring personality was infectious, and she will be dearly missed.

Services will be held on Sunday, February 7.  Due to Covid restrictions, the service will be broadcast on Zoom for general attendance.  See the group email list for details.

First TCMG Online Tech Session Held

A tech session on carburetor issues was held in January on the Zoom application, and is available for viewing by TCMG members.  Check the group email list for instructions on how to view, or contact Steve Simmons.


Our general meeting on February 23 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a presentation by TCMG member Steve Simmons, on how Hollywood has changed to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.  Steve works as a freelance camera operator on several popular television productions as well as documentaries, music productions, live events and more.  Learn how the studios and production companies are adapting to keep their employees safe and avoid costly shutdowns during this challenging time.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

January recap: 24 Members attended our January meeting.  Six TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Simmons and Thelander.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our next event to be held in March or April is in the planning stages and will be announced shortly.

February Recap: 16 members took part in our Lame Duk Kup event, which was held online due to Covid concerns.  Five TCs made a simulated journey of at least 10 miles, and were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Thelander.  Congratulations to John Bowyer for winning the Lame Duk Contest!

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The March Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late February

Early February


TCMG Mourns The Loss Of Toni Appell

Mel & Toni AppellWith a deep sense of loss, we are saddened to report the passing of Toni Appell, a long time member and caring friend to all who were fortunate enough to meet her.  Mel and Toni spent many years touring in their TC and frequenting club meetings, always with a smile and a good story to tell.  They joined TCMG in 1990 and soon became stalwarts of the club.  Her positive and caring personality was infectious, and she will be dearly missed.

Services will be held on Sunday, February 7.  Due to Covid restrictions, the service will be broadcast on Zoom for general attendance.  See the group email list for details.

First TCMG Online Tech Session Held

A tech session on carburetor issues was held in January on the Zoom application, and is available for viewing by TCMG members.  Check the group email list for instructions on how to view, or contact Steve Simmons.


Our general meeting on February 23 meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM).  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a presentation by TCMG member Steve Simmons, on how Hollywood has changed to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.  Steve works as a freelance camera operator on several popular television productions as well as documentaries, music productions, live events and more.  Learn how the studios and production companies are adapting to keep their employees safe and avoid costly shutdowns during this challenging time.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

January recap: 24 Members attended our January meeting.  Six TCs were driven a simulated trip to the meeting of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Simmons and Thelander.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.




Start off the new year with a thrilling, no holds barred TC Motoring Guild Scavenger Hunt competition from the comfort of your own home!  Our expectation is that most items can be found in the house of a MG enthusiast.  The winner will have their name added to our coveted Lame Duk Kup trophy with a “duck” memento sent to them to enjoy until it is practical to deliver the DUK trophy.

Meet on Saturday, January 44 (aka February 13) at 6:00 PM, for a ZOOM event.  Mike Simmons, ZOOM master, will extend an invitation providing the link for the meeting at the beginning of February.  Our competition begins shortly after log in.  Price per person is very affordable ($0) for one fun evening.  Bring your beverage of choice and wear comfortable shoes.

To earn Earl Sargent points, drive your TC at least 10 miles on February 6th (the original event date) or February 13th (the new event date).

For more information see the January/February newsletter or contact Richard Loe.

November Recap: 7 TCs participated in our November “Thankful Photos” do it yourself event.  Those who sent photos and received Sargent points were Edgar, Lemieux, Loe, Hunsberger, Simmons, Spiegel and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The January / February Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



February 10: Added new page for Deb & Mark Acosta.

February 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early February

Late January


First TCMG Online Tech Session Held

A tech session on carburetor issues was held in January on the Zoom application, and is available for viewing by TCMG members.  Check the group email list for instructions on how to view, or contact Steve Simmons.

2021 TCMG Council Announced

Please welcome the newly elected 2021 TC Motoring Guild Executive Council! Your new Executive Officers are Cliff Lemieux, Curt Sorensen, Sandra Loe, Joyce Edgar, Mike Simmons and Rob Zucca.  Additional club chairs are currently operating as they did throughout 2020, and will change in January.  Thank you to everyone who gives their time to keep our club running smoothly!

Executive Council

President – Cliff Lemieux
Vice President – Curt Sorensen
Secretary – Sandra Loe
Treasurer/Membership – Joyce Edgar
Director – Mike Simmons
Director – Rob Zucca
Ex Officio –Steve Simmons

Club Chairs (subject to change)

Events – Richard Loe
Programs – TBA
Editor – David Edgar
Co-Editor – Jim Crandall
Regalia – Linda Simmons
Asst. Regalia – Steve Simmons
Sunshine – TBA
Historian – Don McLish
Webmaster – Steve Simmons
Hospitality – Jan Sorensen & Bobbie Simon


Our congratulations also go out to the winners of the various TCMG awards for 2020:

  • Frank Mason Award – Richard Loe
  • Earl Sargent memorial Trophy – Steve & Linda Simmons / Richard & Sandra Loe (Technical Tie)
  • Iron Bottom – Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe
  • Breakdown Award – Cliff Lemieux

To learn more about these awards, including the various ways the breakdown award has been won, see the History Section of the web site.

Iron Bottom Awarded for 2020

Having completed the year with a perfect attendance of TCMG activities with their TCs, the couples of Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe have been presented the Iron Bottom Award for 2020. This achievement makes the Loes 6-time recipients of this difficult to obtain award.  Congratulations!

TCMG Donates Big To Foster Children’s Resource Center

In lieu of our usual holiday toy drive, TCMG gathered monetary donations for the Foster Children’s Resource Center this season.  Our members were very generous, raising $2,454.00 for this worthy cause. Well done!



Our first meeting of the new year will take place on January 26.  Due to Covid-19 concerns, this meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific time.  (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM)  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a presentation by TCMG member Charley Williams, who will show how to convert your TC’s dash lighting to LED.  He has recently performed this operation on his own TC and will be showing photos of the process.  Q&A will follow the presentation.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

December recap: Our annual Meeting and Holiday Party was held online via Zoom.  27 Members and guests attended and five drove a simulated trip of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.




Start off the new year with a thrilling, no holds barred TC Motoring Guild Scavenger Hunt competition from the comfort of your own home!  Our expectation is that most items can be found in the house of a MG enthusiast.  The winner will have their name added to our coveted Lame Duk Kup trophy with a “duck” memento sent to them to enjoy until it is practical to deliver the DUK trophy.

Meet on Saturday, January 37 (aka February 6) at 6:00 PM, for a ZOOM event.  Mike Simmons, ZOOM master, will extend an invitation providing the link for the meeting at the beginning of February.  Our competition begins shortly after log in.  Price per person is very affordable ($0) for one fun evening.  Bring your beverage of choice and wear comfortable shoes.

To earn Earl Sargent points, drive your TC at least 10 miles on February 6th.

For more information see the January/February newsletter or contact Richard Loe.

November Recap: 7 TCs participated in our November “Thankful Photos” do it yourself event.  Those who sent photos and received Sargent points were Edgar, Lemieux, Loe, Hunsberger, Simmons, Spiegel and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The January / February Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late January

Early January


2021 TCMG Council Announced

Please welcome the newly elected 2021 TC Motoring Guild Executive Council! Your new Executive Officers are Cliff Lemieux, Curt Sorensen, Sandra Loe, Joyce Edgar, Mike Simmons and Rob Zucca.  Additional club chairs are currently operating as they did throughout 2020, and will change in January.  Thank you to everyone who gives their time to keep our club running smoothly!

Executive Council

President – Cliff Lemieux
Vice President – Curt Sorensen
Secretary – Sandra Loe
Treasurer/Membership – Joyce Edgar
Director – Mike Simmons
Director – Rob Zucca
Ex Officio –Steve Simmons

Club Chairs (subject to change)

Events – Richard Loe
Programs – TBA
Editor – David Edgar
Co-Editor – Jim Crandall
Regalia – Linda Simmons
Asst. Regalia – Steve Simmons
Sunshine – TBA
Historian – Don McLish
Webmaster – Steve Simmons
Hospitality – Jan Sorensen & Bobbie Simon


Our congratulations also go out to the winners of the various TCMG awards for 2020:

  • Frank Mason Award – Richard Loe
  • Earl Sargent memorial Trophy – Steve & Linda Simmons / Richard & Sandra Loe (Technical Tie)
  • Iron Bottom – Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe
  • Breakdown Award – Cliff Lemieux

To learn more about these awards, including the various ways the breakdown award has been won, see the History Section of the web site.

Iron Bottom Awarded for 2020

Having completed the year with a perfect attendance of TCMG activities with their TCs, the couples of Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe have been presented the Iron Bottom Award for 2020. This achievement makes the Loes 6-time recipients of this difficult to obtain award.  Congratulations!

TCMG Donates Big To Foster Children’s Resource Center

In lieu of our usual holiday toy drive, TCMG gathered monetary donations for the Foster Children’s Resource Center this season.  Our members were very generous, raising $2,454.00 for this worthy cause. Well done!



Our first meeting of the new year will take place on January 26.  Due to Covid-19 concerns, this meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Pacific time.  (You can log on starting at 5:45 PM)  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a presentation by TCMG member Charley Williams, who will show how to convert your TC’s dash lighting to LED.  He has recently performed this operation on his own TC and will be showing photos of the process.  Q&A will follow the presentation.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

December recap: Our annual Meeting and Holiday Party was held online via Zoom.  27 Members and guests attended and five drove a simulated trip of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.




Start off the new year with a thrilling, no holds barred TC Motoring Guild Scavenger Hunt competition from the comfort of your own home!  Our expectation is that most items can be found in the house of a MG enthusiast.  The winner will have their name added to our coveted Lame Duk Kup trophy with a “duck” memento sent to them to enjoy until it is practical to deliver the DUK trophy.

Meet on Saturday, January 37 (aka February 6) at 6:00 PM, for a ZOOM event.  Mike Simmons, ZOOM master, will extend an invitation providing the link for the meeting at the beginning of February.  Our competition begins shortly after log in.  Price per person is very affordable ($0) for one fun evening.  Bring your beverage of choice and wear comfortable shoes.

To earn Earl Sargent points, drive your TC at least 10 miles on February 6th.

For more information see the January/February newsletter or contact Richard Loe.

November Recap: 7 TCs participated in our November “Thankful Photos” do it yourself event.  Those who sent photos and received Sargent points were Edgar, Lemieux, Loe, Hunsberger, Simmons, Spiegel and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The December Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



January 13: New page added for James Woolf.

December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early January

Late December


2021 TCMG Council Announced

Please welcome the newly elected 2021 TC Motoring Guild Executive Council! Your new Executive Officers are Cliff Lemieux, Curt Sorensen, Sandra Loe, Joyce Edgar, Mike Simmons and Rob Zucca.  Additional club chairs are currently operating as they did throughout 2020, and will change in January.  Thank you to everyone who gives their time to keep our club running smoothly!

Executive Council

President – Cliff Lemieux
Vice President – Curt Sorensen
Secretary – Sandra Loe
Treasurer/Membership – Joyce Edgar
Director – Mike Simmons
Director – Rob Zucca
Ex Officio –Steve Simmons

Club Chairs (subject to change)

Events – Richard Loe
Programs – TBA
Editor – David Edgar
Co-Editor – Jim Crandall
Regalia – Linda Simmons
Asst. Regalia – Steve Simmons
Sunshine – TBA
Historian – Don McLish
Webmaster – Steve Simmons
Hospitality – Jan Sorensen & Bobbie Simon


Our congratulations also go out to the winners of the various TCMG awards for 2020:

  • Frank Mason Award – Richard Loe
  • Earl Sargent memorial Trophy – Steve & Linda Simmons / Richard & Sandra Loe (Technical Tie)
  • Iron Bottom – Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe
  • Breakdown Award – Cliff Lemieux

To learn more about these awards, including the various ways the breakdown award has been won, see the History Section of the web site.

Iron Bottom Awarded for 2020

Having completed the year with a perfect attendance of TCMG activities with their TCs, the couples of Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe have been presented the Iron Bottom Award for 2020. This achievement makes the Loes 6-time recipients of this difficult to obtain award.  Congratulations!

TCMG Donates Big To Foster Children’s Resource Center

In lieu of our usual holiday toy drive, TCMG gathered monetary donations for the Foster Children’s Resource Center this season.  Our members were very generous, raising $2,454.00 for this worthy cause. Well done!



Our first meeting of the new year will take place on January 26.  Due to Covid-19 concerns, this meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be announced shortly.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

December recap: Our annual Meeting and Holiday Party was held online via Zoom.  27 Members and guests attended and five drove a simulated trip of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our next event will be the Lame Duk Kup in late January / early February.  Details will be announced soon.

November Recap: 7 TCs participated in our November “Thankful Photos” do it yourself event.  Those who sent photos and received Sargent points were Edgar, Lemieux, Loe, Hunsberger, Simmons, Spiegel and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The December Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



December 18: New page added for Fred & Karen Weisberger.

November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late December

Early December


Now accepting donations for Foster Children’s Resource Center

In lieu of our usual holiday toy drive, TCMG is accepting monetary donations for the Foster Children’s Resource Center.  CLICK HERE for details.

2021 TCMG Council Announced

Please welcome the newly elected 2021 TC Motoring Guild Executive Council! Your new Executive Officers are Cliff Lemieux, Curt Sorensen, Sandra Loe, Joyce Edgar, Mike Simmons and Rob Zucca.  Additional club chairs are currently operating as they did throughout 2020, and will change in January.  Thank you to everyone who gives their time to keep our club running smoothly!

Executive Council

President – Cliff Lemieux
Vice President – Curt Sorensen
Secretary – Sandra Loe
Treasurer/Membership – Joyce Edgar
Director – Mike Simmons
Director – Rob Zucca
Ex Officio –Steve Simmons

Club Chairs (subject to change)

Events – Richard Loe
Programs – TBA
Editor – David Edgar
Co-Editor – Jim Crandall
Regalia – Linda Simmons
Asst. Regalia – Steve Simmons
Sunshine – TBA
Historian – Don McLish
Webmaster – Steve Simmons
Hospitality – Jan Sorensen & Bobbie Simon


Our congratulations also go out to the winners of the various TCMG awards for 2020:

  • Frank Mason Award – Richard Loe
  • Earl Sargent memorial Trophy – Steve & Linda Simmons / Richard & Sandra Loe (Technical Tie)
  • Iron Bottom – Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe
  • Breakdown Award – Cliff Lemieux

To learn more about these awards, including the various ways the breakdown award has been won, see the History Section of the web site.

Iron Bottom Awarded for 2020

Having completed the year with a perfect attendance of TCMG activities with their TCs, the couples of Steve & Linda Simmons and Richard & Sandra Loe have been presented the Iron Bottom Award for 2020. This achievement makes the Loes 6-time recipients of this difficult to obtain award.  Congratulations!


Our first meeting of the new year will take place on January 26.  Due to Covid-19 concerns, this meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be announced shortly.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

December recap: Our annual Meeting and Holiday Party was held online via Zoom.  27 Members and guests attended and five drove a simulated trip of 10 miles or more.  Those who drove were Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our next event will be the Lame Duk Kup in late January / early February.  Details will be announced soon.

November Recap: 7 TCs participated in our November “Thankful Photos” do it yourself event.  Those who sent photos and received Sargent points were Edgar, Lemieux, Loe, Hunsberger, Simmons, Spiegel and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The December Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early December

Late November


Now accepting donations for Foster Children’s Resource Center

In lieu of our usual holiday toy drive, TCMG is accepting monetary donations for the Foster Children’s Resource Center.  CLICK HERE for details.

Upcoming Activity Changes and Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, the planned Annual Meeting and Holiday Party on December 6 in Burbank has been cancelled.  The meeting will now be held online via Zoom on December 6 and 6:00 PM.  Other holiday activities may be planned.  Check back soon for updates.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our final meeting for the year is the Annual Meeting and Holiday Party on December 6.  Due to Covid-19 concerns, the in-person party has been cancelled and the meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

Join us and enjoy the following entertainment and activities:

Awards ceremonies for our three prestigious trophies:

    • Earl Sargent Memorial “Use it or lose it” Trophy
    • Frank Mason Award
    • Breakdown Award

Announcement of the 2021 TC Motoring Guild Executive Council.

Fundraiser to benefit Foster Children’s Resource Center.  The center provides emergency clothing and necessities to foster children referred by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). It gives each child new school clothing, a jacket, pajamas, socks, underwear, personal care items, a backpack, school supplies, a book, and a toy. Each child is given personal attention and treated with dignity and respect, helping them to feel special.  TCMG is donating $500, and one of our members has offered to match other member’s donations up to an additional $500.  CLICK HERE for donation information.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

November recap: 26 members attended our November virtual (online) meeting.  Five TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our driving events have concluded for the year.  Watch the club calendar for announcements on next year’s fun!

November Recap: 7 TCs participated in our November “Thankful Photos” do it yourself event.  Those who sent photos and received Sargent points were Edgar, Lemieux, Loe, Hunsberger, Simmons, Spiegel and Zucca.

October Recap: 18 members and guests with four TCs and other classics participated in our 64th Annual Conclave with the Abingdon Rough Riders in San Luis Obispo.  Many thanks to Howard Shempp and all who helped make the event happen, even on a limited basis, while keeping our members safe during this pandemic.  See the Conclave Pages for a full report.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The December Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



November 23: New page added for Terry & Georgia Young.

November 18: New page added for Joseph & Jeanne Nofil

October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late November

Early November


November Meeting Is Now Online

Our November meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Changes and Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, some of our planned upcoming activities have been modified or cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting November 17 has been changed from in-person to online.
  • The planned holiday party on December 6 in Burbank has been cancelled.  A new holiday activity is being planned to take its place.  Check back soon.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



NOTE DATE CHANGE! Our next meeting on November 17th will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month instead of the usual 4th Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

This meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will feature TCMG members David Reid and Terry Schuller recounting their recent travels through Alaska.  A slide show will accompany the presentation.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

October recap: 23 members and guests attended our October virtual (online) meeting.  Three TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Hunsberger, Loe, and Simmons.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our November ‘T‘hankful Photos event is another of our do-it-yourself tours.  Participants must drive 10 miles, and take a photo of their TC with something for which you are thankful.  Submit photos to David Edgar by November 8 to receive Sargent Award points.

October Recap: 18 members and guests with four TCs and other classics participated in our 64th Annual Conclave with the Abingdon Rough Riders in San Luis Obispo.  Many thanks to Howard Shempp and all who helped make the event happen, even on a limited basis, while keeping our members safe during this pandemic.  See the Conclave Pages for a full report.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The November Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



October 29: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early November

Late October


October Meeting Is Now Online

Our October meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Changes and Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, some of our planned upcoming activities have been modified or cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting October 27 has been changed from in-person to online.
    See below for details.
  • Our general meeting November 17 has been changed from in-person to online.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our meeting on October 27th will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program is will be a slide show of TCMG people celebrating Halloween or other costume activities. Joyce needs any photo contributions by Oct 15th. She would especially like to see some photos of TC decorated/dressed up for Halloween or Halloween decoration with an MG TC theme.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

September recap: 31 members attended our September virtual (online) meeting.  Five TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our November event is in the planning stages.  Check back soon for updates.

October Recap: 18 members and guests with four TCs and other classics participated in our 64th Annual Conclave with the Abingdon Rough Riders in San Luis Obispo.  Many thanks to Howard Shempp and all who helped make the event happen, even on a limited basis, while keeping our members safe during this pandemic.  See the Conclave Pages for a full report.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The November Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



October 5: Added new page for the 2020 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late October

Early October


Updated Conclave Information

The annual TCMG / ARR Conclave is coming!  This year will have several changes made in order to comply with Covid-19 restrictions and to ensure the safety of our members.  See the below for details.

October Meeting Is Now Online

Our October meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Changes and Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, some of our planned upcoming activities have been modified or cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting October 27 has been changed from in-person to online.
    See below for details.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our meeting on October 27th will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program is will be a slide show of TCMG people celebrating Halloween or other costume activities. Joyce needs any photo contributions by Oct 15th. She would especially like to see some photos of TC decorated/dressed up for Halloween or Halloween decoration with an MG TC theme.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

September recap: 31 members attended our September virtual (online) meeting.  Five TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The 64th Annual Conclave of the TC Motoring Guild and Abingdon Rough Riders will be held Saturday through Monday, October 3-5 in San Luis Obispo.  This year’s gathering will have some changes to comply with Covid-19 restrictions as well as to ensure the safety of our members.  All major activities will be held outdoors on Sunday the 4th, and attendees are invited to stay at our host hotel, The Apple Farm, on Saturday and/or Sunday night to gain more time visiting with friends.  Those staying overnight should make reservations as soon as possible in order to receive our special group rates.

For details on Sunday’s activities, contact this year’s event organizer, Howard Shempp.

To see photos from previous years and learn about this event’s 60+ year history, visit the Conclave Pages.

September Recap: Six TCs participated in our September “on your own” event.  Those who drove their TCs were Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons, Spiegel, and Zucca.  Additional photos came in from Einhorn and Crandall.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The October Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early October

Late September


Updated Conclave Information

The annual TCMG / ARR Conclave in October is on!  This year will have several changes made in order to comply with Covid-19 restrictions and to ensure the safety of our members.  See the Calendar Page for details.

September Meeting Is Now Online

Our September meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Changes and Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting September 22 has been changed from in-person to online.
    See below for details.
  • The Queen’s English Car Show / club picnic originally scheduled for September has been cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions in LA County.  A new self-guided tour has taken its place.  See below for details.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our meeting on September 22nd will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program is “MGTC and TCMG Fun!”  Send your photos showing the fun of owning an MG TC, or good memories of TCMG activities (even breakdowns), to Joyce Edgar for inclusion in our meeting program.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

August recap: 31 members attended our August virtual (online) meeting.  Five TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



NOTE: The Queen’s English Car Show / club picnic originally scheduled for this month has been cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions in LA County.

Due to the Queen’ English being postponed until April 2021, the TCMG September official event will be a self guided tour.  In your area find a sign (one sign) that includes the four letters “MG TC” in any order.  An example might be “Chicago Malt Shop” or “Merge into Traffic”.  Then take a picture of your car with the sign and submit to David Edgar to be included in next month’s newsletter.  Please complete this activity between now and the end of September.  If you are interested in earning Sargent points, drive your TC at least 10 miles.  Sorry, no photoshop photos or homemade signs will count toward Sargent points.

August Recap: 12 TCs and 4 moderns participated in our July “Historical Hunt” event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Chalmers, Edgar, Eicher, Einhorn, Hanes, Hunsberger, Loe, Ockwell, Simmons, Williams, Wright and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The October Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



September 20: New page added for James & Christine Antis

September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late September

Early September


Updated Conclave Information

The annual TCMG / ARR Conclave in October is on!  This year will have several changes made in order to comply with Covid-19 restrictions and to ensure the safety of our members.  See the Calendar Page for details.

September Meeting Is Now Online

Our September meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Changes and Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting September 22 has been changed from in-person to online.
    See below for details.
  • The Einhorn hot dog party in August has been cancelled, and a social distancing event has taken its place. See the Calendar Page for details.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our meeting on September 22nd will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program is being planned and will be announced shortly.  Check back for updates!

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

August recap: 31 members attended our August virtual (online) meeting.  Five TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



NOTE: This event could be cancelled depending on the Covid-19 situation. Check back for updates.

Our September event is the Queen’s English Car Meet and Auto Jumble on Sunday the 27th at Woodley Park in Van Nuys from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The gates open for participants at 8:00 AM. Bring a picnic and we will gather in the MG section around 11:30 and enjoy seeing one other while observing social distancing guidelines.

There is a pre registration form on their website or you can register as you arrive. If you do not plan to enter a car in the show, park in the public parking area and walk in at no charge.This will be our first in-person event since March when we toured the Lanterman House. It seems so long ago. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this annual meet will be held as scheduled. If the organizers decide to cancel, I will send a group email with an alternate tour. Either way, stay safe and enjoy your MG. – Richard Loe, TCMG Events Chair 2020

For more car show registration information, CLICK HERE

August Recap: 12 TCs and 4 moderns participated in our July “Historical Hunt” event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Chalmers, Edgar, Eicher, Einhorn, Hanes, Hunsberger, Loe, Ockwell, Simmons, Williams, Wright and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The September Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



No news at this time.



September 8: New page added to the History Section: “Reflections on the Conclaves”

July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

March 6: New page added for the 1968 Times Grand Prix.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early September

Late August


August Meeting Is Now Online

Our August meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting August 25 has been changed from in-person to online.
    See below for details.
  • The Einhorn hot dog party in August has been cancelled, and a social distancing event has taken its place. See the Calendar Page for details.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our meeting on August 25th will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program is “Shared Memories”.  Everyone can participate in sending a photo (please ID people in photo if possible, approximate date and location/event). The photos selected are meant to stimulate memories for everyone, whether it is of the same event or of something similar they also attended. If you wish to share one of your memories or favorite photo or of a recent photo with a grandchild in the car, please send to Joyce Edgar by August 20, 2020 via email.

We can digitize a printed photo or slide if you want to send an original media (we will return the item), just send early as they take significantly more time for use to utilize.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

July recap: 31 members attended our July virtual (online) meeting.  Five TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



NOTE: This event could be cancelled depending on the Covid-19 situation. Check back for updates.

Our September event is the Queen’s English Car Meet and Auto Jumble on Sunday the 27th at Woodley Park in Van Nuys from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The gates open for participants at 8:00 AM. Bring a picnic and we will gather in the MG section around 11:30 and enjoy seeing one other while observing social distancing guidelines.

There is a pre registration form on their website or you can register as you arrive. If you do not plan to enter a car in the show, park in the public parking area and walk in at no charge.This will be our first in-person event since March when we toured the Lanterman House. It seems so long ago. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this annual meet will be held as scheduled. If the organizers decide to cancel, I will send a group email with an alternate tour. Either way, stay safe and enjoy your MG. – Richard Loe, TCMG Events Chair 2020

For more car show registration information, CLICK HERE

August Recap: 12 TCs and 4 moderns participated in our July “Historical Hunt” event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Chalmers, Edgar, Eicher, Einhorn, Hanes, Hunsberger, Loe, Ockwell, Simmons, Williams, Wright and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The September Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 17: Updated the Technical Resources page.

September 9: New page added for Julian Carter.

September 5: New page added for William Kennard.

September 4: New page added for Edward Kansriddle.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late August

Early August


August Meeting Is Now Online

Our August meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting August 25 has been changed from in-person to online.
    See below for details.
  • The Einhorn hot dog party in August has been cancelled, and a social distancing event has taken its place. See the Calendar Page for details.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the continued virus situation. Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our meeting on August 25th will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program is “Shared Memories”.  Everyone can participate in sending a photo (please ID people in photo if possible, approximate date and location/event). The photos selected are meant to stimulate memories for everyone, whether it is of the same event or of something similar they also attended. If you wish to share one of your memories or favorite photo or of a recent photo with a grandchild in the car, please send to Joyce Edgar by August 20, 2020 via email.

We can digitize a printed photo or slide if you want to send an original media (we will return the item), just send early as they take significantly more time for use to utilize.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

June recap: 31 members attended our July virtual (online) meeting.  Five TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Loe, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our August “social distancing” event will be a self guided drive in your TC between August 1st and the 16th. The weather is perfect for an evening toot to your favorite local restaurant. You may not feel comfortable stopping to eat, but take a picture with your TC in front and submit it with a short paragraph explaining why it is your “go to” eating place. It could be because it is the popular neighborhood hangout or maybe it’s a hole-in-the-wall with excellent food.

To participate, email your photo and description to newsletter editor David Edgar by August 16th.  To qualify for Sargent points, you are on your honor to drive your TC at least 10 miles and to submit an unaltered photograph with your paragraph.

July Recap: 13 TCs participated in our July “Historical Hunt” event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Chalmers, Eicher, Edgar, Einhorn, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Page, Pulver, Simmons, Spiegel, Sullivan and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The August Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 17: Updated the Technical Resources page.

September 9: New page added for Julian Carter.

September 5: New page added for William Kennard.

September 4: New page added for Edward Kansriddle.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early August

Late July


July Meeting Is Now Online

Our July meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting July 28 has been changed from in-person to online. See below for details.
  • The organizers of GoF West have announced that due to Covid-19 concerns, the event will be postponed until next year.  Therefore our planned trip to Oregon this Summer to attend has also been cancelled. The event will be merged with GoF West 2021 at the same location.
  • The Einhorn hot dog party in August has been cancelled, and a social distancing event has taken its place. See the Calendar Page for details.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the Covid-19 virus situation we’re experiencing.  Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.



Our July meeting will be held online using the Zoom application, on July 28.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a slide show of “historical photos and places”.  Some of these will be photos submitted as part of the July “do it yourself event”, but may also include photos from those who can’t drive their cars or who no longer own a TC.  Such members are encouraged to submit photos from their history with their TC.  Any member can submit photos for the slide show and then share with the group what makes that photo significant in their history with the club or car.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

June recap: 35 members attended our June virtual (online) meeting.  Eight TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Ockwell, Santarelli, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our August “social distancing” event will be a self guided drive in your TC between August 1st and the 16th. The weather is perfect for an evening toot to your favorite local restaurant. You may not feel comfortable stopping to eat, but take a picture with your TC in front and submit it with a short paragraph explaining why it is your “go to” eating place. It could be because it is the popular neighborhood hangout or maybe it’s a hole-in-the-wall with excellent food.

To participate, email your photo and description to newsletter editor David Edgar by August 16th.  To qualify for Sargent points, you are on your honor to drive your TC at least 10 miles and to submit an unaltered photograph with your paragraph.

July Recap: 13 TCs participated in our July “Historical Hunt” event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Chalmers, Eicher, Edgar, Einhorn, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Page, Pulver, Simmons, Spiegel, Sullivan and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The August Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 17: Updated the Technical Resources page.

September 9: New page added for Julian Carter.

September 5: New page added for William Kennard.

September 4: New page added for Edward Kansriddle.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late July

Early July


July Meeting Is Now Online

Our July meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Upcoming Activity Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting July 28 has been changed from in-person to online. See below for details.
  • The organizers of GoF West have announced that due to Covid-19 concerns, the event will be postponed until next year.  Therefore our planned trip to Oregon this Summer to attend has also been cancelled. The event will be merged with GoF West 2021 at the same location.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the Covid-19 virus situation we’re experiencing.  Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.

Conclave Dates and Location Announced

The 64th Annual TCMG / ARR Conclave will be held October 3-5 (Saturday through Monday), in San Luis Obispo.  It will be hosted this year by ARR.  More information is forthcoming.



Our July meeting will be held online using the Zoom application, on July 28.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM PDT.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.

The evening’s program will be a slide show of “historical photos and places”.  Some of these will be photos submitted as part of the July “do it yourself event”, but may also include photos from those who can’t drive their cars or who no longer own a TC.  Such members are encouraged to submit photos from their history with their TC.  Any member can submit photos for the slide show and then share with the group what makes that photo significant in their history with the club or car.

Note that anyone making a simulated journey to the meeting in their TC by driving a minimum of 10 miles on the day of the meeting will receive a point toward the Sargent Award.

June recap: 35 members attended our June virtual (online) meeting.  Eight TCs drove a “simulated journey” to the meeting.  Those TCs were driven by Edgar, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Ockwell, Santarelli, Simmons and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our “Do it yourself” event for July is to drive to any local major or minor historical marker or site, photograph your TC at the site, and submit the photo along with a brief written description of the significance of the location (paragraph of no more than 150 words) for inclusion in the newsletter. Try to find a location with some sort of British connection, but anything will do since likely there are not many British related historical sites on the West coast. Perhaps our East coast members will be more likely to find something with a British tie. The intent is to drive your TC, get out of your house practicing social distancing, and inform other members about your area while staying within 20 miles of your home.  Please complete this task by July 12th and email your photo and paragraph to David Edgar.

June Recap: 11 TCs participated in our June scavenger hunt event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Appell, Edgar, Einhorn, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Ockwell, Rocca, Simmons, Thelander and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The July Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



July 8: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 17: Updated the Technical Resources page.

September 9: New page added for Julian Carter.

September 5: New page added for William Kennard.

September 4: New page added for Edward Kansriddle.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early July

Late June


June Meeting Is Now Online

Our June meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

Gene Roth Remembered

We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Gene Roth, a 37-year TCMG member and avid M.G. enthusiast.  He passed away on April 20 with his daughter by his side.  Most of our members either knew Gene personally or by way of email.  He was a wealth of information and gladly shared his knowledge with anyone who asked.  With only one arm, he restored his supercharged TC to show winning condition.  And win it did, perhaps more often than any other and most often after driving several hundred miles through the desert to get to a car show.  His kindness and enthusiasm was infectious to say the least.

Gene and his wife Deana were very active members in the club, and could be spotted each year at our annual Conclaves, GoF West and other M.G.-related events around the Western states.  In his TC, Gene could out-drive most people on a windy mountain road despite having only one arm to both steer and shift with.  His life was an interesting one, part of which can be read on pages 6-7 of the September 2018 TCMG newsletter.  More stories about Gene will be found in the next issue this Summer.

“In ‘82 Mike Goodman invited me to join the TC Motoring Guild . That was one of the best things that ever happened to me . We have met and made some of our best friends through our association with the TC Motoring Guild .” – Gene Roth

Upcoming Activity Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our annual picnic at the Henkels home on June 23 has been cancelled.  The meeting will now be held online.
  • The organizers of GoF West has announced that due to Covid-19 concerns, the event will be cancelled for this year.  Therefore our planned trip to Oregon this Summer to attend has also been cancelled.  The event will take place in the same location in 2021.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the Covid-19 virus situation we’re experiencing.  Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.

Conclave Dates and Location Announced

The 64th Annual TCMG / ARR Conclave will be held October 3-5 (Saturday through Monday), in San Luis Obispo.  It will be hosted this year by ARR.  More information is forthcoming.



NOTE: The Henkels Picnic originally scheduled on this date has been cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns.

Our June meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.  Our program for the evening will include members showing and talking about their scavenger hunt photos from our June event.

February recap: 16 members and guests attended our February Meeting.  Three TCs were present, driven by Lemieux, Simmons and Loe.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our July event is currently in the planning stages and will be announced soon.

June Recap: 11 TCs participated in our June scavenger hunt event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Appell, Edgar, Einhorn, Hunsberger, Lemieux, Loe, Ockwell, Rocca, Simmons, Thelander and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The July Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



June 17: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 16: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 17: Updated the Technical Resources page.

September 9: New page added for Julian Carter.

September 5: New page added for William Kennard.

September 4: New page added for Edward Kansriddle.

July 19: Updated the Video Vault page.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late June

Early June


June Meeting Is Now Online

Our June meeting has been moved online in order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.  See below for details.

June Event Announced

A new event has been announced for June, which will allow us to safely get out and enjoy our TCs during the current pandemic.  See below for details!

Gene Roth Remembered

We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Gene Roth, a 37-year TCMG member and avid M.G. enthusiast.  He passed away on April 20 with his daughter by his side.  Most of our members either knew Gene personally or by way of email.  He was a wealth of information and gladly shared his knowledge with anyone who asked.  With only one arm, he restored his supercharged TC to show winning condition.  And win it did, perhaps more often than any other and most often after driving several hundred miles through the desert to get to a car show.  His kindness and enthusiasm was infectious to say the least.

Gene and his wife Deana were very active members in the club, and could be spotted each year at our annual Conclaves, GoF West and other M.G.-related events around the Western states.  In his TC, Gene could out-drive most people on a windy mountain road despite having only one arm to both steer and shift with.  His life was an interesting one, part of which can be read on pages 6-7 of the September 2018 TCMG newsletter.  More stories about Gene will be found in the next issue this Summer.

“In ‘82 Mike Goodman invited me to join the TC Motoring Guild . That was one of the best things that ever happened to me . We have met and made some of our best friends through our association with the TC Motoring Guild .” – Gene Roth

Upcoming Activity Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our annual picnic at the Henkels home on June 23 has been cancelled.  The meeting will now be held online.
  • The organizers of GoF West has announced that due to Covid-19 concerns, the event will be cancelled for this year.  Therefore our planned trip to Oregon this Summer to attend has also been cancelled.  The event will take place in the same location in 2021.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the Covid-19 virus situation we’re experiencing.  Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.

Conclave Dates and Location Announced

The 64th Annual TCMG / ARR Conclave will be held October 3-5 (Saturday through Monday), in San Luis Obispo.  It will be hosted this year by ARR.  More information is forthcoming.



NOTE: The Henkels Picnic originally scheduled on this date has been cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns.

Our June meeting will be held online using the Zoom application.  The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.  You can participate using any computer or device with the free Zoom software installed.  If you require assistance installing Zoom, contact Steve Simmons or David Edgar.  Our program for the evening will include members showing and talking about their scavenger hunt photos from our June event.

February recap: 16 members and guests attended our February Meeting.  Three TCs were present, driven by Lemieux, Simmons and Loe.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The official TCMG event for June is a British themed scavenger hunt in your neighborhood. Be creative and have fun. Driving your TC find three British places or things. For example a pub/restaurant, a British auto repair shop, a British car, or British themed street sign and take a photo including your car.

If such places are not readily available in your area, drive your TC to a scenic spot and set up your own scenario. Use your imagination and stage three photos with your car that say British to you. It could include Mike Sherrell’s book, a cup of tea, or the Union Jack. Surprise us.

You need to complete this adventure and submit your three photos to David Edgar, newsletter editor, by June 14th.

The intent is to exercise your TC, stay close to home, have fun thinking British, and reminisce about past TCMG events. If you complete these tasks driving your TC you will earn two Earl Sargent points.

May Recap: 11 TCs participated in our May “Do It Yourself Tour” event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Appell, Chalmers, Edgar, Larson, Lemieux, Loe, Rocca, Simmons, Spiegel, Thelander and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The June Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



June 5: Added new content on the Technical Resources page.

April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 17: Updated the Technical Resources page.

September 9: New page added for Julian Carter.

September 5: New page added for William Kennard.

September 4: New page added for Edward Kansriddle.

July 19: Updated the Video Vault page.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early June

Late May


Gene Roth Remembered

We are deeply saddened to report the passing of Gene Roth, a 37-year TCMG member and avid M.G. enthusiast.  He passed away on April 20 with his daughter by his side.  Most of our members either knew Gene personally or by way of email.  He was a wealth of information and gladly shared his knowledge with anyone who asked.  With only one arm, he restored his supercharged TC to show winning condition.  And win it did, perhaps more often than any other and most often after driving several hundred miles through the desert to get to a car show.  His kindness and enthusiasm was infectious to say the least.

Gene and his wife Deana were very active members in the club, and could be spotted each year at our annual Conclaves, GoF West and other M.G.-related events around the Western states.  In his TC, Gene could out-drive most people on a windy mountain road despite having only one arm to both steer and shift with.  His life was an interesting one, part of which can be read on pages 6-7 of the September 2018 TCMG newsletter.  More stories about Gene will be found in the next issue this Summer.

“In ‘82 Mike Goodman invited me to join the TC Motoring Guild . That was one of the best things that ever happened to me . We have met and made some of our best friends through our association with the TC Motoring Guild .” – Gene Roth

Upcoming Activity Cancellations

Because the safety of our members is our primary concern, several of our planned upcoming activities have been cancelled due to concerns over the COVID-19 virus.

  • Our general meeting on May 26 has been cancelled.
  • The Autry Museum is currently closed for an indefinite amount of time.  Therefore our planned tour of the museum on May 30 is cancelled.
  • Our annual picnic / meeting at the Henkels home on June 23 has been cancelled.

Other upcoming activities may also be postponed or cancelled depending on what happens with the Covid-19 virus situation we’re experiencing.  Check this website for the latest updates and status of other upcoming TCMG activities.

GoF West Cancelled

The organizers of GoF West has announced that due to Covid-19 concerns, the event will be cancelled for this year.  Therefore our planned trip Oregon this Summer to attend has also been cancelled.  The event will take place in the same location in 2021.

Conclave Dates Announced

The 64th Annual TCMG / ARR Conclave will be held October 3-5 (Saturday through Monday), and will be hosted this year by ARR. The location is not yet announced.



NOTE: The May meeting has been cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns. Our next scheduled meeting is TBD.

Did you know that our own Larry Einhorn was once a TV host?  At our meeting on May 26, watch an episode of his show “Good Eats” and hear commentary from Larry about what it took to film a show where the host got to eat his way to stardom!

February recap: 16 members and guests attended our February Meeting.  Three TCs were present, driven by Lemieux, Simmons and Loe.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



Our next driving event is being planned and will be announced shortly.  Check back soon!

May Recap: 11 TCs participated in our May “Do It Yourself Tour” event.  Those who brought out their TCs were: Appell, Chalmers, Edgar, Larson, Lemieux, Loe, Rocca, Simmons, Spiegel, Thelander and Zucca.

For more meeting and event information, visit the Calendar Page.



The June Classic Chassis is online and ready for viewing!


To view past newsletters, including one from way back in April 1958, visit the Newsletter Page.



Welcome to our newest members!



April 23: Added new page for Michael Whalen.

March 31: Added new page for Ralph & Donna Littlefield.

March 9: New info added to the 1966 Conclave Page.

February 25: Added new page for Rob Zucca.

February 25: Added new page for Pete & Lisa Gannon.

December 14: New TC info added for John & Georgia Bowyer.

November 12: New page added for Mike & Sherri Simmons.

November 3: New page added for Beau & Annie Sicotte.

October 19: New info and photos added to the 1959 TCMG / ARR Conclave page.

October 16: New page added for the 2019 TCMG / ARR Conclave.

September 17: Updated the Technical Resources page.

September 9: New page added for Julian Carter.

September 5: New page added for William Kennard.

September 4: New page added for Edward Kansriddle.

July 19: Updated the Video Vault page.

As always we are seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC. We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about. Historic photos and stories are also being sought to expand our TCMG History section on the site. Please send what you have to Steve Simmons.

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late May