Early December

Upcoming meeting: December 11 (Holiday Party)
Our annual Holiday party for 2011 is right around the corner.  There are currently 60 members signed up!  See the December newsletter for more details.

Events: No event yet announced for December.

Newsletter: The December Midget Chassis is online and ready for viewing.  Click here to view, or click here for a printable booklet version.

Web Site: Check out our latest member bio submission by Alan Chalmers!  Development on the new site continues.  We are currently seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC.  We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about.

Other news: Thanks to Joyce Edgar for a very engaging program on vehicle safety at our November meeting.  Lots of questions from the crowd is always a good sign!

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Late November News

Upcoming meeting: December 11 (Holiday Party)
Our annual Holiday party for 2011 will be held at Sportsman’s Lodge in Studio City.  Get your reservations in to Joyce Edgar ASAP!  We already have over 50 people attending so this will surely be a night to remember!  See the December newsletter for more details.

Events: No event yet announced for December.

Newsletter: The December Midget Chassis is online and ready for viewing.  Click here to view, or click here for a printable booklet version.

Web Site: Development on our new web site continues.  We are currently seeking photos for the Members Gallery showing you and your TC.  We also welcome member biographies so your fellow TCMG’ers can learn a bit about you, your history with your TC or anything else you care to write about.

Other news: Thanks to Joyce Edgar for a very engaging program on vehicle safety at our November meeting.  Lots of questions from the crowd is always a good sign!

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Early November News

Upcoming meeting: November 22nd
Joyce Edgar will be speaking about the current laws on transporting kids in cars, and how this pertains to our TCs.  Have a question on how today’s vehicle laws apply to your M.G.?  This is your chance to ask!

Events: No event yet announced for November.

Newsletter: The December Midget Chassis is online and ready for viewing.  Click here to view, or click here for a printable booklet version.

Other news: The recent TCMG / ARR conclave was a smashing success with over 50 members of the two clubs in attendance.  See the November Newsletter for photos and stories!

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October News

Upcoming meeting: October 25th
Halloween Party and Pot Luck Dinner  (Note early 7PM start!!!)

Enjoy a pot luck dinner! (Lasagne provided by club)

Compete in the spooky centerpiece and Halloween hat competitions!

See the Calendar page or the latest issue of our monthly newsletter, The Midget Chassis, for meeting program info.

Events: No event planned for October

Newsletter: November Newsletter is now online!  Click HERE to view online or click HERE for printable booklet version.

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