Author Archives: Steve Simmons

Early June

Stan Belland Passes It is with a sad heart that we report the passing of Stan Belland. Stan was a significant contributor to the TC Motoring Guild. He was brought into the club by the other two Cambria Geezers, Bob McKarney and Clarence Weiss in the late 1970’s. The other two pre-deceased him, but Stan … Continue reading »

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Late May

Stan Belland Passes It is with a sad heart that we report the passing of Stan Belland. Stan was a significant contributor to the TC Motoring Guild. He was brought into the club by the other two Cambria Geezers, Bob McKarney and Clarence Weiss in the late 1970’s. The other two pre-deceased him, but Stan … Continue reading »

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Early May

Stan Belland Passes It is with a sad heart that we report the passing of Stan Belland. Stan was a significant contributor to the TC Motoring Guild. He was brought into the club by the other two Cambria Geezers, Bob McKarney and Clarence Weiss in the late 1970’s. The other two pre-deceased him, but Stan … Continue reading »

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Late April

Stan Belland Passes It is with a sad heart that we report the passing of Stan Belland. Stan was a significant contributor to the TC Motoring Guild. He was brought into the club by the other two Cambria Geezers, Bob McKarney and Clarence Weiss in the late 1970’s. The other two pre-deceased him, but Stan … Continue reading »

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Early April

Stan Belland Passes It is with a sad heart that we report the passing of Stan Belland. Stan was a significant contributor to the TC Motoring Guild. He was brought into the club by the other two Cambria Geezers, Bob McKarney and Clarence Weiss in the late 1970’s. The other two pre-deceased him, but Stan … Continue reading »

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Late March

TC Motoring Guild Rides Again! TCMG motored back into action on February 12 with our first driving event of the new year, the 2022 Lame Duk Kup Rallye.  Drivers were challenged to find clues along scenic mountain roads and tried to outsmart the rallye master with their answers.  The team of Daniel Harrison and Myah … Continue reading »

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Early March

TC Motoring Guild Rides Again! TCMG motored back into action on February 12 with our first driving event of the new year, the 2022 Lame Duk Kup Rallye.  Drivers were challenged to find clues along scenic mountain roads and tried to outsmart the rallye master with their answers.  The team of Daniel Harrison and Myah … Continue reading »

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Late February

TC Motoring Guild Rides Again! TCMG motored back into action on February 12 with our first driving event of the new year, the 2022 Lame Duk Kup Rallye.  Drivers were challenged to find clues along scenic mountain roads and tried to outsmart the rallye master with their answers.  The team of Daniel Harrison and Myah … Continue reading »

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Early February

2022 TCMG Council Announced Please welcome the newly elected 2022 TC Motoring Guild Executive Council! Your new Executive Officers are Steve Simmons, Curt Sorensen, Rob Zucca, Joyce Edgar, Allan Chalmers and Mike Simmons.  Some additional club chairs are currently operating as they did throughout 2021, and may change in January.  Thank you to everyone who … Continue reading »

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Late January

Remembering Leo Pedersen One of our long time members Leo Pedersen has passed away, leaving a big hole in our group of intrepid TC enthusiasts.  Leo along with his wife Martha was a regular at our northern events including annual Conclaves and was loved by all who were fortunate enough to know him.  His humor … Continue reading »

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Early January

Remembering Leo Pedersen One of our long time members Leo Pedersen has passed away, leaving a big hole in our group of intrepid TC enthusiasts.  Leo along with his wife Martha was a regular at our northern events including annual Conclaves and was loved by all who were fortunate enough to know him.  His humor … Continue reading »

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Late December

Remembering Leo Pedersen One of our long time members Leo Pedersen has passed away, leaving a big hole in our group of intrepid TC enthusiasts.  Leo along with his wife Martha was a regular at our northern events including annual Conclaves and was loved by all who were fortunate enough to know him.  His humor … Continue reading »

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Early December

Remembering Leo Pedersen One of our long time members Leo Pedersen has passed away, leaving a big hole in our group of intrepid TC enthusiasts.  Leo along with his wife Martha was a regular at our northern events including annual Conclaves and was loved by all who were fortunate enough to know him.  His humor … Continue reading »

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Late November

Remembering Leo Pedersen One of our long time members Leo Pedersen has passed away, leaving a big hole in our group of intrepid TC enthusiasts.  Leo along with his wife Martha was a regular at our northern events including annual Conclaves and was loved by all who were fortunate enough to know him.  His humor … Continue reading »

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Early November

2021 Holiday Party Announced Our first in-person meeting since the pandemic started will be a return of our annual holiday party to be held on Sunday, December 5 in Granada Hills.  See the current newsletter for details on location, time and meal selection.   Our next general meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16 … Continue reading »

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Late October

Our next monthly meeting will be held via Zoom on October 26.  TCMG member Mike Simmons has offered to give us an astronomy based travelogue program. He has had the opportunity of traveling to different countries and seeing how a common interest in astronomy brings people together. We all observe the same sky and are … Continue reading »

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Early October

Our next monthly meeting will be held via Zoom on October 26.  TCMG member Mike Simmons has offered to give us an astronomy based travelogue program. He has had the opportunity of traveling to different countries and seeing how a common interest in astronomy brings people together. We all observe the same sky and are … Continue reading »

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Late September

Our next monthly meeting will be held via Zoom on September 28.  Our program for the evening is a talk and slide show by member Allan Chalmers about the restoration of his MG TA . The meeting starts at 6:00 PM (Pacific).  Members may join 15 minutes early. Note that anyone making a simulated journey … Continue reading »

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Early September

TC Motoring Guild at GoF West Despite a smaller turnout than usual due to the ongoing pandemic, TCMG made a good showing at GoF West in Oregon last month.  Six TCs departed, with one suffering mechanical issues at the halfway point of its journey.  Look for photos and stories in the upcoming newsletter. Congratulations to … Continue reading »

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Late August

TC Motoring Guild at GoF West Despite a smaller turnout than usual due to the ongoing pandemic, TCMG made a good showing at GoF West in Oregon last month.  Six TCs departed, with one suffering mechanical issues at the halfway point of its journey.  Look for photos and stories in the upcoming newsletter. Congratulations to … Continue reading »

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late August

Early August

TC Motoring Guild at GoF West Despite a smaller turnout than usual due to the ongoing pandemic, TCMG made a good showing at GoF West in Oregon last month.  Six TCs departed, with one suffering mechanical issues at the halfway point of its journey.  Look for photos and stories in the upcoming newsletter. Congratulations to … Continue reading »

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Late July

TCMG Expands In-Person Activities Since returning to in-person driving events in March, we have adapted to offer fun and safe activities for our members.  Scenic drives and picnics have become a common activity, which is reminiscent of the early days of the club.  Our faces may have aged a little over the years but the … Continue reading »

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Early July

TCMG Expands In-Person Activities Since returning to in-person driving events in March, we have adapted to offer fun and safe activities for our members.  Scenic drives and picnics have become a common activity, which is reminiscent of the early days of the club.  Our faces may have aged a little over the years but the … Continue reading »

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Late June

TC Model Contest Winners Announced! Nine members entered paper MG TCs in our virtual car show at the March online meeting.  The paper models supplied by Moss Motors were painstakingly assembled with creative and impressive results.  Congratulations to all participants for jobs well done! Winners have been announced in multiple categories.  Pictured here is Rob … Continue reading »

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Late June

Early June

TC Model Contest Winners Announced! Nine members entered paper MG TCs in our virtual car show at the March online meeting.  The paper models supplied by Moss Motors were painstakingly assembled with creative and impressive results.  Congratulations to all participants for jobs well done! Winners have been announced in multiple categories.  Pictured here is Rob … Continue reading »

Categories: Club News | Comments Off on Early June

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